Beam balance fine adjuster
Beam balance fine adjuster
beam balance fine adjuster: 2008-01-15.
Nikon Coolpix 8400
This is the cup-holder end of the beam-balance with the fine adjuster added. It is mostly made from a few aluminium extrusion offcuts, pop-riveted together. It makes the initial levelling of the balance easier and quicker; instead of trying to move the lead weight a tiny distance by hand, a slight turn of the knurled wheel moves the weight on its saddle in a much more controllable way. I happened to have in stock a piece of aluminium bar of the right sort of diameter already knurled, otherwise I'd have probably used brass (to avoid the tendency of aluminum-to-aluminium rubbing faces to gall on each other) as the adjusting knob. I just parted off a piece the right thickness to fit between 2 flanges of an extrusion, drilled and tapped it M6. That first extrusion was riveted onto another extrusion which was the right width to form a saddle on the beam (allowing for the rivet heads - that's why there's one apparently doing nothing at the left end of the saddle). A long M6 machine screw was fitted into a tapped hole in a piece of aluminium angle, and that was riveted onto the side of the beam. On top of the saddle I glued some emery paper face up to prevent the lead weight sliding around uncommanded.
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