Europa #435 G-RODO Build Journal - introduction

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These pages about building an aeroplane at home have a lot of words and a few pictures.

You can plunge straight into the story at the beginning using the first link below right or look at the most recent page using the second link below right.

You might prefer to go to the Navigation & Acknowledgements page via the link at upper right for information about how things are organised.

There are indexes to both words and picture pages, and you can also use the FreeFind search tool at upper left to locate occurences of particular words anywhere on this site.

Return to Rowland's home page tick icon go to list of milestones for an overview of the project tick icon go to first page of narrative right-arrow
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graph icon go to electrical system documentation graph icon go to most recent page of narrative (Journal September 2024) right-arrow
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When you get fed up with my site, here are some links to other Europa builders websites.

This page last updated 2021-01-26 14:52. I try to make this page as accessible as possible, by adhering to HTML 4 standards. Valid HTML 4.01! Valid CSS!
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