
Retract down-latch

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Retract down-latch

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downlock latch

downlock latch: 2014-12-13

Lumix DMC-FT1

The down latch for the retract lever fitted and shown in the "locked down" position. Visible here is the spring I fitted to ensure that the latch stays in place even in bouncy landings. It is coiled around the pivot screw, with one end bent at a right angle and fitted into a hole in the retract lever and the free end bearing on the sleeve fitted to the stop screw to bias it towards the down position. Both screws had to be longer than standard to accommodate the spring installation.

retract lever down latch

retract lever down latch: 2014-12-13

Lumix DMC-FT1

The down latch for the retract lever fitted and shown in the "locked down" position. Barely visible beyond the latch is the end of the spring I fitted to ensure that the latch stays in place even in bouncy landings. The red crescent visible between the latch and the lever is a thin fibre washer that I found was needed to ensure free movement of the latch. Before I fitted the washer, the pressure of the spring tended to twist the latch and make it bind slightly against the forward edge of the retract lever, making the operation less smooth than desired.

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