
Bonding CS05 to CS03

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Bonding CS05 to CS03

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wires fitted to CS05

wires fitted to CS05: 2008-08-19

Nikon Coolpix 8400

The fit of CS03 and CS05 is deliberately loose to allow room for the Redux bond. However, if CS03 and CS05 are not kept coaxial, the aft end of CS05 will try to describe an arc instead of simply rotating, which would cause stiffness in the movement once the aft end is restrained by CS06. Here are 4 short lengths of 38SWG enamelled copper wire attached to the forward end of CS05 before CS03 is slid onto it. This size of wire was found to just fill the gap between CS05 and CS03, and these 4 equally spaced wires should keep the 2 items coaxial.

bonding CS05 to CS03

bonding CS05 to CS03: 2008-08-19

Nikon Coolpix 8400

CS03s assembled onto CS05s with Redux and wire spacers. The outer ends of the wires were unfolded after the CS03s were slid on, to prevent Redux migrating inside the CS05s.

bonding CS05 to CS03

bonding CS05 to CS03: 2008-08-19

Nikon Coolpix 8400

The CS03-CS05 bond showing a nice even film of Redux all around.

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