A bad layup
A bad layup
bad top-hat layup: 2013-07-24
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT1
My first attempt at making the top-hat layups (which complete the load path between the door frame mouldings) was a bit disastrous. The piece of foam carved to fit between the door frames has sagged away from the moulding during cure, taking the BID with it. The layup didn't conform easily to the shape, because I wet out all 3 plies on flat polyethylene sheet before trying to make it fit the desired shape. Both forward and aft top-hat layups suffered similarly, and will have to be removed and re-done. Although I made the layups with the fuselage top moulding upside-down, I turned it right-way up for curing, which allowed gravity to act on the layups in an undesired way!
This page last updated 2013-09-08.
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