
Europa #435 G-RODO Build Journal - 2023 10

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6 Remove hinge pin from centre cowl hatch hinge and grease it. Degrease hinge leaves and matching areas of cowl underside and hatch cover. Affix small pieces of polyethylene sheet on cowl to protect centre access hole rebate from epoxy seepage. Mix a small bath of Evo-Stik 2-hour Control epoxy. Apply it sparingly to the hinge areas on cowl underside and hatch cover. Apply a thin film to each hinge leaf, taking care to keep the epoxy away from the knuckle. Insert the greased hinge pin. Position the cover on the hole and hold in place with a cleco clamp at the latch cutout. Offer up hinge from inside the cowl and hold it in place with clecos. Remove clecos one by one and pull a TLPK424BS rivet in each hole. Leave assembly to cure.

Consider how to mask Hartwell latch while creating flox pad under it to accommodate the curve of the cover. Not sure if it will be easy to make clean fixing holes if I cover the latch completely with polyethylene sheet. Instead, try attaching several small overlapping sheets of polyethylene with duct tape, to leave the holes exposed. Not sure if that will be adequate - I can see opportunities for epoxy to weep where it is not wanted. Leave it for the moment to think a bit more.
16 Remove cleco clamp and polyethylene sheet pieces and check operation and fit of centre cowl hatch cover. All looks OK. 3770.3
21 Remove the several pieces of polyethylene sheet taped to the Hartwell latch for the starboard cowl hatch cover. Degrease the inner face of the hatch cover and the latch with acetone. Hold the latch in position on the cover and trace around it with a felt-tip pen. Cover the face of the latch with a single piece of polyethylene sheet, attached with small pieces of duct tape. Pierce the mounting holes with a square awl. Mix a small batch of Evo-Stik Control epoxy and add to it a small dose of flox to stiffen it. Spread the epoxy-flox onto the inner face of the cover, keeping within the marked outline and allowing a slightly thicker layer in the middle where the curve of the cover will leave a gap between it and the flat face of the latch. Close hatch and offer up the latch from the inside of the cowl. Insert greased clecos in the 2 holes away from the edge to hold it in place. Insert skin pins in the other 2 holes near the edge and snug them up just enough to hold the latch tongue firmly against the flange of the hole, but not distort anything.

Repeat the entire process for the latch on the centre cowl hatch cover.

On both covers, clean up the excess epoxy-flox that has squeezed out around the outside edges of the latches, and into the slot in the cover. Leave to cure.
28 Remove clecos and skin pins from the central cowl hole cover. Free the latch from residual epoxy-flox and remove the polyethylene sheet masking. Wipe off some grease and clean up the rivet holes in the cover. Cut off some flash around the epoxy-flox pad with a scalpel. Position the open latch in place so I can hold it from the back side of the open cover and insert 4 off TAPK33BS rivets. Pull them in turn with the air riveter.

Repeat the whole above process on the starboard cover.

Finish filing to an oval shape the pip-pin hole on the underside of the starboard end of the tailplane torque tube.

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