
Europa #435 G-RODO Build Journal - 2021 10

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1 Epoxy cured on CO mount screws. Take them down to the garage and check the fit on the detector - perfect.

Reply received about trailer parking cost - the outside space will be about half what I was previously quoted, which is a bit more reasonable.

2 With the aluminium mounts attached to the back of the CO detector, apply paint maker to the mounts. Place the detector against the face of the F14 Instrument Module on the starboard side above the parcel shelf to mark the mounting position. Clean the paint off the mounts with acetone. Remove the matt-black paint and roughen the IM in the mounting areas with the powerfile. Find a suitable piece of wood to prop the CO detector in place. Degrease the bonding surfaces with acetone. Mix a small batch of Evo-Stik 2-hour Control epoxy and apply it to the mounts and to the abraded areas of the IM. Position the CO detector and jam it in place with the wooden prop, weighed down with 3 lead weights. Only now do I spot that the CO detector is fouling access to the forward fuse cover screw. Will be no problem with the CO detector unclipped, of course. 3570.4
10 Take weights off wooden prop holding CO detector in place and remove prop. Check that the detector can be unclipped and replaced - all fine.
30 Check sizes of fuel sight gauge tubing and fuel weight sensor vent tubing and order from Vital Parts some bushes to protect them where they pass through the structure.

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