
Dalriada photos: Pupils (Girls in Edinburgh)

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Girls in Edinburgh

This is the second of Ann Maconaghie's negatives from the Scottish trip, which she thinks was in about 1960. (The third negative was taken from the top of the Scott Monument and as it doesn't show any recognisable faces I haven't bothered to reproduce it here!) Jenners' window (and the distinctive reflection thereupon) identify this as Princes Street, Edinburgh. I wonder who took this one since Ann herself appears again here.

L to R: ?, Ann(e?) Lamont (twin sister of Eileen Lamont), ?, Patricia (Patsy) Biggart, Dorothy Stevenson, Gay Porter, Ann Maconaghie, Enid Patterson, Rosemary Wilson, Diana Balmer, Jane Christie, Patricia Calvert, Deirdre Compton.

If you can add to the information here, please let me know.

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