
Dalriada photos: Pupils (Girls 2)

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girls 2

Girls 2

Not long after the previous photo was put up, Ann Maconaghie came across some of her own negatives taken on the same trip. At first glance I thought this was actually the negative from which the other one had been printed, but clearly it was taken from a different angle, and reveals a different selection of faces. Only a few seconds can have elapsed between the two exposures. Who were the two photographers?

L to R: Katie Tomlinson (music teacher), Patricia Campbell, Ann Lamont, Ann Maconaghie, Rosemary Page, Patricia Calvert, Diana Balmer, Rosemary Wilson, ?, Gay Porter, Enid Patterson, Meta McMullan, Eileen Lamont

If you can add to the information here, please let me know.

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