
Unidentified objects in fuel tank

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Unidentified objects in fuel tank

3 pictures on this page - scroll down to see the rest

Fuel tank alien

Fuel tank alien: 2008-11-25

Nikon Coolpix 8400

Looking at the top surface of the fuel tank, starboard end. The flller and vent stubs are at the right of the picture. Note the dark patch at the left side of the picture. I found several of these suspicious-looking smudges around my fuel tank. I thought at first that, as I had neglected to plug the filler hole during its long period of storage, some insects had crawled in and spun cocoons inside. A couple of other ones are much bigger than this one, but not visible from the filler hole.

Fuel tank alien

Fuel tank alien: 2008-11-25

Nikon Coolpix 8400

Here's a view of the same dark patch from the filler hole, with a torch behind to silhouette it.

Fuel tank alien

Fuel tank alien: 2008-11-25

Nikon Coolpix 8400

And here's a blow-up of the central area of the previous picture. I looks more like a sea-anenome than a cocoon. These pictures have gone to the tank manufacturer and I await comments!

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