
Europa #435 G-RODO Build Journal - 2024 08

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8 Finally work up the courage to tackle the sewing machine again. Rip out some stitching that had gone wrong. Re-pin 2nd zip where it had got mis-placed. Sew remaining length of 2nd zip. Partly undo zip for later access. Sew across one remaining corner then after referring again to the YouTube tutorial (Diy Easy 1 piece boxed cushion cover tutorial by Steh Hiesher) realise I've done it wrong and have to unpick it. Sew remaining sides then sew across corners in correct orientation. Open cover and find that part of the seam on the 2nd zip has caught the opposite piece of fabric so that has to be unpicked too. Re-sew that section of 2nd zip. Now cover looks promising when turned right-side out. Get one of the reconstituted foam blocks 300mm x 450mm x 50mm out from the garage and stuff it into the cover. It fits OK and once zipped up the whole thing, while not perfect, looks quite acceptable.

Receive an e-mail message from Airbox Systems entitled "Retirement of RunwayHD". The message says "The retirement date of RunwayHD is 31st October 2024" but rather oddly goes on to say "our tech team is still hard at work to solve the current technology problems with RunwayHD". One wonders why they are working so hard on something that is scheduled to die in a couple of months! This is all very boring, but considering what other options there are I remember that I played with the SafeSky website a while back when it was first announced. Download the SafeSky app onto the iPhone 6S and sign in. The first screen shows an alarming number of contacts but covers a very wide area. Actuating the "Take Off" button shows a more sensible range of a few miles which can be easily adjusted. The phone will need a SIM for use outside the house!

9 Realise that the SIM I have in the iPad will not be needed while I am using that device for SkyDemon, so swap it across and the iPhone 6S seems very happy with it.
31 Drive to LAA Rally at Leicester. Meet and chat with several Europa folk. I feel heartened by their encouraging comments to get back to work on the Europa, and to re-activate my PPL. To that end, buy latest edition of half-million Southern England chart and flight guide.

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