
Dalriada photos: Pupils (1954 or 1955 intake)

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1954 intake

1954 or 1955 intake

This scanned image was also supplied by Alex Atkinson. The names, as remembered by Alex and by Murray Darragh, are:

Back row, L to R: Mr Gordon, Peter Cromey (maybe), George Wylie, Alan Boyd, Murray Darragh, Anthony Mummery, Billy Henry, Dan Holmes, James Murdock, Ian McLean, Bert Hill, Miss Ann Craig.

Middle row, L to R: Andrew Campbell, Desmond Millen, Bertie Ross, Samuel Herd, Peter Cromey (maybe), Ivor Reilly, Eithna Cowan, ?, Fiona Gillen, Denis Martin, David Corkey, Wilson Campbell, Alex Atkinson, Helen Campbell.

Front row, L to R: ?, Sheena Stewart, Heather Wallace, Agnes Paul, ?, Maureen Adams, Agnes/Ann Robinson, Elizabeth Tweed, ?.

Note there are 2 faces potentially identified as Peter Cromey. Murray Darragh believes that this is the 1955 intake, as he did not start form II(S) until that year.

If you can add to the information here, please let me know.

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