sight tube clip layup
sight tube clip layup
making asymmetric composite tubing clip: 2022-02-14 Panasonic DMC-FT1
Making the composite clip to secure 2 unequal-size tubes - the sight gauge and the fuel weight sensor vent - to the seatback. The plastic tub at the top is full of lead weights. Under that is the piece of wood that was routed to act as a former. Then there is a piece of polyethylene sheet, 3 layers of BID (hidden), a piece of peel-ply, another polyethylene sheet, two cylindrical formers to simulate the tubes that will be clipped and finally another sheet of polyethylene to prevent everything sticking to the baseboard. The wire former has a (hidden) length of plastic tube slipped over it to match the size of the vent tube. Underneath the layup for the clip, and completely incidentally, is 1 layer of BID being bonded to the ring of balsa for the cowl spacer.
This page last updated 2022-03-06.
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