Rowland with hammer
Rowland with hammer
Rowland aged about 2 years (start as you mean to go on).
This was taken, by my mum, in the yard outside the snuggery window at my childhood home of Osmond House. She noticed that I had borrowed one of my dad's hammers from the garage and was banging in a few nails, no doubt mimicking what I'd seen dad do. She grabbed the camera and caught me while I was still absorbed in my activity. Note the eyes concentrating on the nail, and that unlike most children who tend to grip a hammer-shaft close to the head, I've already learned to hold the end of the shaft in the proper manner to allow the weight of the head to make the blow. The project appears to have started life as a Nobel ammunition box (dad sold shotgun and rifle cartridges in his hardware shop) but I can't remember or guess the direction my modifications were taking.
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