fuel return restrictor
fuel return restrictor
fuel return line restrictor: 2019-10-08 Panasonic DMC-FT1
The fuel return line restrictor mounted on the starboard footwell. At the left is the fuel return firewall fitting (FRFF) which takes the line through the top of the footwell. At the right is the fuel pressure sender mounted on an aluminium angle bracket, with a TEE-piece fitted. The upright (capped) port of the TEE will connect to the carburettors and fuel pump. The horizontal port connects to the FRFF via a short piece of braided hose. Inserted into the hose (before the 2nd hose-end was fitted) is the restrictor that allows a small flow of fuel back to the tank, and prevents the pressure at the carburettors from becoming excessive. The restrictor is just a small cylinder of aluminium sized to fit in the fuel hose, with a very small hole (#70, 0.7mm) drilled through it.
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