
Europa #435 G-RODO Build Journal - 2024 06

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3 Still seeking a spirometry test near home, was suggested to try the Winfield hospital in Gloucester. After much navigating of phone menus, determine that they do not do it on-site but one of their consultants can refer me to Cheltenham General Hospital at £200 for his fee + the NHS fee for the test. Decide to abandon that route and send a query to MUMS (Midland Ultrasound and Medical Services) at Solihull who quote £130. Offered appointment tomorrow at 13:30 so book it.
4 Visit MUMS in Solihull for Spirometry test and get results. Forward PDF to Gloster Aviation Medicals by e-mail.
5 e-mail reply received from Gloster Aviation Medicals. They say that the results show that my lung capacity is reduced which is common following the type of chest infection I had. These results are not compatible with unrestricted Class 2 certification however they could apply an ORL limitation to my Class 2 which would mean I would need to fly alone, or with a safety pilot if passengers are carried. This is a bit unexpected; I had thought it would be a binary (yes/no) answer to the issue of the medical certificate and so I need to think hard about what to do now - about the whole Europa build project as well as the flying licence. Reply asking for info about the self-declaration option.
10 Gloster Aviation Medicals replies to my e-mail, with info about self-declaration. Visit CAA portal and go through the self-declaration procedure. Reply to AME requesting issue of the Class 2 with ORL limitation anyway - from what I see on the CAA website, it appears that I can choose which medical to use for flying on any given day!
14 Medical certificate delivered.

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