
Dalriada photos: Sports (1st XV 1960-61)

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1st XV 1960-61

1st XV 1960-61

This scanned image was supplied by Alex Atkinson, who started at Dalriada 3 years earlier than me, in 1954. It shows himself in the First XV Rugby team for 1960-61. The other names are:
Back row, (standing) L to R: Philip Scott, Victor McElfatrick, Alan Brewster, Joe Kennedy, David Corkey, Samuel Herd, Hugh McFarlane.
Middle row (sitting) L to R: Dessie Millen, Alex Atkinson, Uel Wilkinson, John Reid (Captain), Denis Martin, Gilmour Cameron, Murray Darragh.
Front row (on ground) L to R: Ivan Patrick, William Tweed.

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