Dalriada pictures (panorama 1958)

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1958 panorama small

1958 panorama of the whole school.

Scroll right and left as needed to see the entire picture.

This file is about 132k. The next bigger version is about 576k and will take proportionally longer to download to your browser. If you're on broadband, it's not an issue, but on dialup you could be waiting for some time.

If you wish to download this picture to your own computer for study at leisure, most browsers provide an option to "save/download this image" in the contextual menu. Depending on your browser and operating system, the contextual menu is accessed by click-and-hold, control-click or right-click, on the area of the picture.

If you don't have a dedicated photo-editing application, most browsers will open the resulting JPEG file without the need to wrap it in HTML.

If you can add to the information here, please let me know.

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