
Dalriada photos: Pupils (Form pic)

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Form pic

Form pic

This was an official photograph (maybe taken by Dan Biggart?), so I don't have a negative, only a postcard size print with B290/35M/F pencilled on the back. I don't know when or why it was taken, but guess from the apparent ages and the styles of uniforms it might have been the 1959-1960 academic year when I was in Form IV. Younger boys wore grey shirts and short trousers; after a certain age they were allowed to wear white shirts and long trousers. Younger girls wore the maroon gymslips universal here, with socks; older girls wore white shirts and grey skirts with stockings. From the evidence here, it appears that the age at which the uniform changes were permitted was different for boys and girls (although it looks as though a couple of girls have switched to stockings, perhaps before the rules allowed?).
33 individuals is about the right number for one whole form, but which form? Ann Maconaghie thinks that although many of those in this picture were in the same "S" form as us 2, some here were in the "L" form.

Back row, L to R: Roger Cromey, Hugh Sayers, David Wallace, Howard McLean, Junior Getty, Eddie Coils, John Black, Colin "Mooshie" Boyd, Kevin Campbell, Roy Irwin

Middle row, L to R: Jean Simpson, Rowland Carson, Jeremy Sayers, Irene McMullan, Diana Balmer, Sheena Kirkpatrick, Eileen Stirling, Isobel Kilpatrick, Marina Patton, Paddy Stewart, Madelene McFeeley, Norman Calvin, Trevor Boyd, Ivan Patrick

Front row, L to R: Ann Maconaghie, Rosemary Wilson, Jane Christie, Patricia Campbell, ?, Margaret Dowey, Mary Dunlop, Annie McMillan, Anne Stirling

If you can add to the information here, please let me know.

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