Europa #435 G-RODO (formerly G-ROWI) - Project planning

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The chart below represents the most recent update of my project planning using Ganttproject. I started using this project planning tool when the list of remaining tasks seemed to be reducing to a manageable number, and I felt I could assign a reasonable amount of time for completion to each one. I have not been strict about precedence because many of the tasks do not have to be done in a particular order. Some task that should not have taken long stretch over a considerable number of days or weeks, because they span periods when I was not able to work on the aeroplane. The tasks that have been completed have a black line across the centre of the relevant blue bar. The vertical red line shows the date when the plan was last edited. Scroll down and across to see the whole chart.

This page last updated 2019-12-17 17:46. I try to make this page as accessible as possible, by adhering to HTML 4 standards. Valid HTML 4.01! Valid CSS!
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